DigiCardOne digital business card by camerapixo press

Digital Personal
& Business Cards

Seamless, sustainable, and always current—take your networking to the next level with our innovative solution. The perfect digital business card for photographers, content creators, freelancers, and countless other professionals.
Elevate your brand with DigiCardOne today!

Elevate Your Professional Presence with DigiCardOne

DigiCardOne is revolutionizing the way professionals network with its innovative digital personal and business cards. Gone are the days of traditional paper cards that clutter wallets and often end up lost. DigiCardOne offers a sleek, eco-friendly alternative that can be easily shared and updated in real-time. With a digital card, your contact information, social media profiles, and professional details are always just a tap away, ensuring you leave a lasting impression every time.

DigiCardOne is proudly designed and operated by Camerapixo Press, bringing you cutting-edge digital business card solutions with the expertise and quality you trust.

and Easy

Easy Sharing QR CODE Digital Business Card
Easy Sharing QR CODE Digital Business Card

DigiCardOne cards are designed for seamless integration with modern technology, making it easier and safer than ever to share your information. With a quick scan of a QR code—an option that's more secure than NFC technology—sharing your digital card is fast and efficient. This level of convenience is perfect for networking events, conferences, or casual encounters where exchanging information quickly and effortlessly is crucial. Your recipients can save your details instantly, reducing the chance of misplacing important contacts.

the best digital business card available

and Always Up-to-Date

One of the standout features of DigiCardOne is its high level of customization. You can tailor your digital card to reflect your personal brand or business identity, choosing from a variety of templates and design options. Moreover, unlike traditional business cards, DigiCardOne allows you to update your information at any time. Whether you change your job title, phone number, or social media handles, your digital card can be refreshed instantly, ensuring your contacts always have the most current information.

Digila business Card DigiCartdOne
Digila business Card DigiCartdOne
and Versatile

In addition to its practical benefits, DigiCardOne is an environmentally friendly choice. By eliminating the need for paper cards, you contribute to reducing paper waste and the environmental impact of printing. Furthermore, DigiCardOne offers a cost-effective solution, saving you money in the long run by avoiding repeated printing costs. Investing in a digital business card with DigiCardOne not only supports sustainable practices but also showcases your commitment to modern, eco-conscious networking solutions. Additionally, DigiCardOne works both online and offline, ensuring you can share your information seamlessly, regardless of internet connectivity.

DigiCardOne eco friendly
DigiCardOne eco friendly

Reasons to get DigiCardOne

Easy Sharing

Our digital card is accessible both online and offline. Even without internet access, it can function offline by being saved as a bookmark in your browser.

If you update your phone number, email address, or add new images to your portfolio, you can swiftly update your digital card, ensuring clients always have the most current information.

Using DigiCardOne instead of printed ones helps professionals adopt a more sustainable, eco-friendly approach by reducing paper production, printing, and transportation needs.

Traditional business cards can be costly. Digital business cards eliminate these expenses, helping professionals save money while maintaining a modern image.

Exchanging digital business cards makes it easier for potential clients to contact you. They can click on your email or social media links, streamlining collaboration and service bookings.

Using a QR code is more secure than NFC because it lowers the risk of interception and doesn't require active transmission, reducing potential security breaches.

PLUS you will have access to many great ready-made card templates directly from your account.

Digital business cards support QR CODES for instant access to contact info or portfolios. Including a QR code on printed materials or at events makes it easy for people to connect with you digitally.

DigiCardOne can be shared instantly and effortlessly, allowing you to send them via email, text message, or social media platforms.

Works online
& offline
Real-Time Updates
Environmentally Friendly
Easy Follow-Up
Better than NFC and…
QR Code Integration
DigiCardOne Easy to share
DigiCardOne Easy to share
DigiCardOne works online and offline
DigiCardOne works online and offline
DigiCardOne real time updates
DigiCardOne real time updates
DigiCardOne eco-friendly
DigiCardOne eco-friendly
DigiCardOne cost effective
DigiCardOne cost effective
DigiCardOne Easy to follow up
DigiCardOne Easy to follow up
DigiCardOne better than NFC plus templates
DigiCardOne better than NFC plus templates
DigiCardOne QR code integration
DigiCardOne QR code integration
the best digital business card available


"I absolutely love my digital business card. It's so easy to share and update. I carry it with me all the time — best companion."

Eric Chatelain

by Camerapixo

DigiCardOne is designed and created by 360 Heller Media. It is operated by Camerapixo Press, a leader in innovative publishing solutions. With a strong reputation for quality and creativity, Camerapixo Press brings its expertise to the development of DigiCardOne, ensuring a high standard of design and functionality. This collaboration guarantees that your digital business card is not only practical and stylish but also backed by a trusted name in the industry.

Camerapixo Press
Camerapixo Press
DigiCardOne for photographers designed and published by Camerapixo Press
DigiCardOne for photographers designed and published by Camerapixo Press
DigiCardOne digital business card
DigiCardOne digital business card
Application of Digital Business Cards Across Various Professions
  • Engineering and Technical Roles

  • Creative and Design Roles

  • Healthcare and Medical Roles

  • Business and Administrative Roles

  • Education and Training Roles

  • Legal and Law Enforcement Roles

DigiCardOne applications
DigiCardOne applications
  • Technology and IT Roles

  • Art and Media Roles

  • Service and Hospitality Roles

  • Trade and Manual Labor Roles

  • Science and Research Roles

  • Miscellaneous Roles

FREE eBook

download free ebook
download free ebook
download free ebook digital business card applications
download free ebook digital business card applications

Download the list of most professions that can benefit from a digital business card.

the best digital business card available
Digital Business Card DigiCardOne for photographers and freelancers
Digital Business Card DigiCardOne for photographers and freelancers


"The perfect digital marketing tool for me as a photographer. Always with me!"

Artur J. Heller


Digital Business Card ADD-ONS

Enhance your DigiCardOne with our ready-to-use background templates, designed to make your card stand out. Choose from a variety of professionally crafted designs that can be easily customized to match your brand's style and personality, ensuring your card looks polished and unique.

Our templates offer a wide range of creative options, including different structures, elements, textures, and overlays. Whether you're looking for a sleek, modern design or something more textured and dynamic, these incredible templates provide the flexibility to create a digital business card that truly represents your brand.


DigiCardOne digital business card
DigiCardOne digital business card