DigiCardOne FAQ


Our FAQ section provides quick answers to common questions about DigiCardOne, membership options, customization features, and more. Whether you need help getting started or want to learn about advanced features, you’ll find the information you need here. Explore the FAQs to get the most out of your DigiCardOne experience.

to Get
DigiCardOne applications
DigiCardOne applications
Easy Sharing
Works Online & Offline
Real-time Updates
Environmentally Friendly
Easy Follow-Up
Better than NFC
QR Code Integration

Frequently asked questions

How much does a DigiCardOne cost?

DigiCardOne costs $26 USD per year, which is just $2.16 USD per month—about the same as four cups of coffee or tea for a full year of digital convenience!

Do I need an app to open DigiCardOne?

No app is needed! DigiCardOne can be easily accessed through any Internet browser, making it hassle-free for you and anyone you share it with.

What smartphone do I need to use DigiCardOne?

DigiCardOne works seamlessly on all smartphones running either Android or iOS.

I'm a freelancer. Is DigiCardOne only for businesses, or can individuals use it too?

DigiCardOne is designed for everyone—whether you're a business, freelancer, or individual. It's perfect for anyone who wants to share their professional information effortlessly.

Can I add my social links to my DigiCardOne?

Absolutely! You can include up to 12 custom social media links, making it easy for others to connect with you across all your platforms.

How can I share my DigiCardOne?

Sharing your DigiCardOne is easy. It includes a built-in QR code and a short URL. Simply let someone scan your QR code or share the short URL, and they’ll be able to view your card instantly

Are there any limits to scanning the QR code?

There are no limits at all! You can share and scan your QR code as much as you like—no restrictions.

Can I create a mini gallery to showcase my work?

Yes, you can! DigiCardOne includes a mini gallery feature that lets you display up to 16 photos, perfect for showcasing your portfolio or any type of projects.

How many DigiCardOnes can I have in my account?

You can choose between two DigiCardOne memberships. The standard option is ideal for individuals, offering one digital business card. For businesses, the Custom membership supports 1 to 200 employees, with each receiving their own card. Select the option that best fits your needs.

Can I customize my DigiCardOne with my branding?

Absolutely! DigiCardOne lets you customize your card, including adding your logo and personalized background for each page you create.

Do you offer ready templates for DigiCardOne that I can use for backgrounds?

We also offer ready-to-use templates with design elements and backgrounds to help your card stand out even more. These templates are available as add-ons and can be easily accessed right on the same page where you edit your DigiCardOne.

Can I include logotypes of my partners with links to their websites?

Yes, you can. We've created a dedicated section (coming soon) where you can feature your partners' or affiliates' logos with custom links to their websites, helping you build professional connections.

How many times can I change the background for my DigiCardOne?

You can change the background as many times as you want! You have complete control over your DigiCardOne, and you can change it as often as you'd like—even every week if that's your style.

What is the best image size and resolution for the DigiCardOne background?

The ideal image size for your DigiCardOne background is 1180x2560px (portrait), with a maximum file size of 5 MB.

Does DigiCardOne have an expiration date?

Yes, DigiCardOne is valid for one year. Renewing your membership is easy, and we'll send you a reminder 45 days before it expires.

Can I change the email associated with my account?

Yes, you can update your email address in your Member Settings. This email is used for logging into your account and all DigiCardOne communications.

What happens if I lose my login details?

No problem! If you lose your login details, just use the "Forgot Password" option on the login page, and we'll help you reset your password quickly.

Is my DigiCardOne secure?

Yes, your DigiCardOne is secure. Keep in mind that the information you include on your digital card, such as your contact details, is meant to be shared and is publicly accessible to anyone who has your DigiCardOne link. However, your account is protected with strong encryption and password security, ensuring only you can manage or update your card. The data you enter is encrypted when sent to our servers, keeping it safe from unauthorized access.

Can I link my social media profiles to my DigiCardOne?

Absolutely! You can easily link your social media profiles, website, and any other online presence to your DigiCardOne, making it easy for others to connect with you across all platforms.

Does DigiCardOne offer any customer support?

Yes, we do! Our customer support team is always ready to help. If you have any questions or need assistance, just email us.

What if I want to cancel my DigiCardOne membership?

If DigiCardOne isn't the right fit, you can cancel your membership anytime through your account settings. We're always here to assist if you have any concerns.

Can I request a refund?

We offer a free 7-day trial of a DigiCardOne account, allowing you to preview how it looks with your information. During the trial, links are disabled, and you can upload one background image and your logo. This gives you a feel for how cool your card can look. Please note that since this is a custom-made membership, refunds are not available once the free trial period ends.

Who manages and operates DigiCardOne?

DigiCardOne is managed and operated by Camerapixo Press, a trusted and renowned company that has served thousands of photographers worldwide. Known for its high-quality press services, Camerapixo Press offers professional solutions for freelancers, including the widely respected Press ID Card for photojournalists. With an established online platform and a commitment to excellence, Camerapixo Press brings the same level of professionalism and quality to DigiCardOne, ensuring that your digital business card experience is seamless, secure, and backed by industry expertise.

DigiCardOne digital business card
DigiCardOne digital business card
the best digital business card available


"I absolutely love my digital business card. It's so easy to share and update. I carry it with me all the time — best companion."

Eric Chatelain

by Camerapixo

DigiCardOne is a product of 360 Heller Media, brought to life by the innovative publishing experts at Camerapixo Press. Known for their excellence in quality and creativity, Camerapixo Press ensures that DigiCardOne stands out in both design and functionality. This partnership means your digital business card is not only sleek and practical but also supported by a highly respected name in the industry.

Camerapixo Press
Camerapixo Press
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